Fundraise For Us

Thank you for your interest in helping fundraise for Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter. We are here 365 days a year, ensuring that we make a difference to every animal that enters our gates. WARS can continue to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome many more animals with your help and support.

The Importance of Fundraising

Funding for our shelter is absolutely crucial. With the overall running costs rising rapidly, we are averaging a spend of £175,000 + a year in order to operate. In the current climate this rise is occurring faster than money is coming in.

As a small, independent shelter with no government funding, WARS relies solely on the support of the public, with the most significant amount of funding coming from dedicated WARS members and our supporters.

Without the funds for an in-house fundraiser we work hard throughout the year to host a number of fundraising events. In addition, every donation we receive, along with legacies, grants, and the sponsorship of our kennels and catteries, are vital in maintaining our operation, and helping the animals we care for.

Whether it’s contributing towards a medical procedure, a one off donation towards our monthly vet bill, or feeding an animal for a month, fundraising makes a substantial difference to us as a charity. There are many ways you can support us.

From the Comfort of Your Home
  • Birthday Wishes – Use an online platform such as Facebook to raise money for us as your chosen charity.
  • Games Night – Host a games night amongst family or friends, and the entry fees can be a donation for WARS.
  • Table Top Sale – Why not sell some pre-loved items in aid of WARS.
  • Coffee and Cake Mornings – Pop the kettle on and enjoy some home treats amongst company in aid of WARS.
  • Bake Sale – Did someone say cake?
Supporting us in the Community
  • Dress Down – Have a themed dress code day at work or school for a small donation per person in aid of WARS.
  • Sponsored Activity – Walk, run, cycle, or swim! For outdoor, nature lovers, there’s no better way to raise money for your local animal shelter than a sponsored activity.
  • Quiz Night – You can organise these at your local pub or venue, or even online with an entry fee.
  • Sponsored Silence – Why not set the challenge amongst your office or school.
  • Wedding Bells – Are you getting married? Why not highlight your chosen charity with the placement of WARS information and donation boxes.

We are always on hand to chat through your ideas, with merchandise, clothing, and signs to help you with your chosen WARS fundraiser.

For more information, email us at with the subject line ‘Fundraising’.

Important Notes
  • WARS cannot be held responsible for any accidents or emergencies during your fundraising activities and events. We strongly advise you have a first aid representative at your chosen fundraiser, and invest in public liability insurance if you’re hosting a private event.
  • Don’t forget the legal part! (We) and you are regulated by rules, under the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 ( It’s important you plan in advance, and check you are within the guidelines.
  • We ask, if you are supporting and representing our charity, that you remain polite and courteous at all times. Additionally, you should expect and respect questions about our vital work, which we can give guidance with. There is plenty of information on our website to familiarise yourself with, about us and our history.