Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter (WARS)

About Us

Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter opens its doors to abandoned, unwanted and mistreated animals in need of urgent care. Our main aims are to give shelter, medical treatment and care, and, of course, to rehome cats, dogs and ex-battery hens.

The Shelter is run by a dedicated team of staff and enthusiastic volunteers wanting to ease the distress of animals that, through no fault of their own, are abandoned, unwanted or mistreated.

Our enclosed site has beautiful views of the Malvern Hills, and is set up with kennels for up to twenty six dogs and a cattery containing twelve pens.

The staff and their team of volunteers ensure all dogs and cats are given individual attention with plenty of exercise and training, as well as love and attention.

Our Achievements

Since the charity was formed in 1983 we have worked tirelessly to raise our profile, provide the best care possible for our animals and continually develop our site to aid in the welfare of our animals and the work of the charity.

After opening to the public in 2001 we have had kennels and cattery pens installed, built play and relaxation areas, set up a reception and office space and developed parts of our site to better suit the needs of our animals.

The Future

Our task is enormous, and it is essential that we sustain our income to meet running costs and, most importantly, the welfare needs of the animals in our care.

We are always looking for ways to improve our work, develop our site, and of course to build up the community of support we have.

We regularly run events, training workshops and donation appeals, and have a number of support packages such as WARS membership and the opportunity to sponsor a kennel or cattery. We really do appreciate any support you can offer, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

Memberships / Accreditations

Association of Dogs & Cats Homes